Ramazan | Dua for Ramazan | Ramazan Wazaif | Ramazan Ki Dua

The word Ramazan (Ramadan) comes from Arabic, and that implies searing intensity or dryness. Fasting is fard (compulsory) for grown-up Muslims, with the exception of the individuals who are experiencing sickness, voyaging, are old, pregnant, breastfeeding, diabetic, persistently sick, or discharging. So that implies that the primary day of the long stretch of Ramazan (Ramadan), …

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Reciting Quran With Proper Tajweed

Reciting Quran

Rciting Quran is a spiritual guide for every individual living in a community. In Quran, you can find everything about the whole life of a man. Reading it again and again never bores the reader.because You will get a reward for every letter that you read from Quran. You can calm your soul if you …

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